I consider myself as a developing artist, loving art and indulging myself into this passion. My preferred mediums are water colours and fine liners, which allow for rich and varied applications. I am drawn to Colour and Light, ultimately ending up with bright, contrasting but complementary colours. My genre is mostly Modern Impressionist. I transfer these images into Portrait Art, Landscapes and Still life paintings. My desire is that these creations will have a positive and happy impact on the viewer.
Artwork Title: Sunset wave
Artistic Impression/ meaning: Cubism Art
Medium: Water colour and Fine liner
Dimension: A3
Artwork Title: Flower in Pot
Artistic Impression/ meaning: Contrasting and Complimentary Colours
Medium: Water colour
Dimension: A3
Frames Dimension: A3
Artwork Title: Turquoise Still Life
Artistic Impression/ meaning: Contrasting and Complimentary Colours
Medium: Water colour
Dimension: A3
Frames Dimension: A3
Artwork Title: Girl with Orange Head Scarf
Artistic Impression/ meaning: Irma Stern copy
Medium: Water colour
Dimension: A3
Frames Dimension: A3
Artwork Title: Tree of Life
Artistic Impression/ meaning: Perfection of God’s creation
Medium:Water colour
Dimension: A3
Frames Dimension: A3
What things inspire you to create art:
Love beauty and colour
What exhibitions have you had:
Centurion Arts Association; Pretoria Art Association
Have you sold any of your artworks? How:
Yes, through exhibitions.