Artwork Title: Wonderland1 Artistic Impression/ meaning: Inspired by the magical world below the waves Medium: Airbrushed Acrylic on Canvas Dimension: 2000 X 1600 mm
Continue reading →Artwork Title: Wonderland1 Artistic Impression/ meaning: Inspired by the magical world below the waves Medium: Airbrushed Acrylic on Canvas Dimension: 2000 X 1600 mm
Continue reading →Artwork Title: Supertubes JBay Artistic Impression/ meaning: The greatest wave of all time Medium: Digital airbrush illustration
Continue reading →Artwork Title: Kev Camp Artistic Impression/ meaning: The life we all should be living Medium: Airbrushed Acrylic on Canvas Dimension: 1200 X 850 mm
Continue reading →Artwork Title: Rhino Artistic Impression/ meaning: The rough and raw power of Africa Medium: Acrylic on Wood Dimension: 600 X 1000 mm
Continue reading →Artwork Title: Dream-Catcher Artistic Impression/ meaning: Inspired by the natural wisdom of indigenous folk, tied in with the sacred geometry of the mandala Medium: Acrylic on Canvas Dimension: 650 X 900 mm
Continue reading →Title: ‘n Kind Medium: Oil on Canvas
Continue reading →Title: Gesin in die 17de Eeu Medium: Oil on Canvas Dimensions: 400×500 mm
Continue reading →Title: Van Gogh inspirasie Medium: Oil on Canvas Dimensions: 450x350mm
Continue reading →Title: Kanaalstraat Medium: Oil on canvas Dimensions: 350x450mm
Continue reading →Title: Stillewe met granate Medium: Oil on canvas Dimensions: 400x500mm
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